Wake Up and See the Glory
Eppie Lederer wrote newspaper columns for nearly 50 years. In outlets across the nation under the pen name Ann Landers she offered advice to people on a range of issues. One of her favored expressions was, “Wake up and smell the coffee.” This charge evokes shuffling to the kitchen on a dark, early morning, hair matted up to one side, eyes squinting partially closed. You set the brewer and hear the comforting sound of the churl of heating and dripping water. You pour your cup and hold it up to your nose, ready for that magical energizing brew to charge your depleted reserves and alert you to the day ahead. “Wake up and smell the coffee” means “Pay attention to what’s right in front of you. Get real. Look around. Return to reality.” The crowds and disciples didn’t know just how glorious Christ was and is. His glorious kingdom was not a small strip of land on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea. His glorious kingdom wasn’t the sprawl of the empire centered on the Italian peninsula in Rome. His kingdom is a cosmic Kingdom, which he left in heaven to bring to earth. ...

Does Jesus Owe You Something?
Our family has a birthday ritual called “birthday on the bed.” It started with my parents, and we have continued the tradition. At o-dark-thirty on the morning of someone’s birthday, we pile onto Laura’s and my bed for our bed so that the birthday boy or girl can open their gifts. Tuesday was Judson’s birthday, so at o-dark-thirty he bounced into our room for the fun. We set his gifts in the middle of our mattress, and he opened them. A basketball return from his older sister Adalyn. A small LEGO set from his younger sister Olivia. And then the big one, from Mom and Dad. He had been asking for it for months, and as he pulled back the paper he saw his heart’s desire. The unmistakable t-visor of the helmet of The Mandalorian. He immediately pulled the costume up over his pajamas, and three days later has barely taken it off. He has, in his mind and dress, become the Mandalorian....

What Has Jesus Done?
Something was different than first appearance about this man. His actions betrayed something about him beyond an old man shuffling through the motions of pickup game on a city park’s court. Something similar plays out in John’s gospel. Jesus looks normal, but his actions betray something different about him. What Jesus does reveals who Jesus is. ...

Why Should I Care About the Trinity?
Why should we care about the Trinity? The Trinity centers everything we believe as Christians. The Trinity is not merely important. The Trinity is preeminent. The Trinity is the hub centering everything, in reality and in theology. ...

Hurricane Dorian Update: Services Cancelled Sept. 1st
Due the most recent advisory for Hurricane Dorian, we will be cancelling our normally schedule worship services on Sunday, September 1st. ...

Here to Serve
On Easter Sunday, we got a chance to introduce ourselves to the Lighthouse Point community. ...

Preparing for Launch
God is bringing together a team to help plant this new church. ...
Here to Serve

On Easter Sunday, we got a chance to introduce ourselves to the Lighthouse Point community. ...
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