Why We're Here

We're here

to help people find life like God intended by bringing people to God and bringing people together through the cross of Jesus Christ. 

Check out a preview of our Sunday services. We believe that wholehearted worship, authentic community, and joyful mission in our Sunday services both flow from and flow to wholehearted worship, authentic community, and joyful mission in our lives Monday through Saturday. 



Wake Up and See the Glory

Eppie Lederer wrote newspaper columns for nearly 50 years. In outlets across the nation under the pen name Ann Landers she offered advice to people on a range of issues. One of her favored expressions was, “Wake up and smell the coffe

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Does Jesus Owe You Something?

Our family has a birthday ritual called “birthday on the bed.” It started with my parents, and we have continued the tradition. At o-dark-thirty on the morning of someone’s birthday, we pile onto Laura’s and my bed for our bed s

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What Has Jesus Done?

Something was different than first appearance about this man. His actions betrayed something about him beyond an old man shuffling through the motions of pickup game on a city park’s court. Something similar plays out in John’s

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Upcoming Events

Sun Feb 09

Worship Service

Our in-person gathering meets at 10:00am at 3385 NE 12th Avenue, Pompano (campus of PIB Florida)

Tue Feb 11

Women's Bible Study

REVELATION - Eternal King, Everlasting Kingdom

Wed Feb 12

FLIGHT Ministry

FLIGHT Ministry Youth Group

Thu Feb 13

Men's Bible Study

Fellowship, Prayer, Coffee, and the Word.

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Join us Sunday

10:00 am