Cross United Church affirms the inerrant authority of the Bible over all of life and faith. The Bible is our final guide and authority. We also affirm that there have been helpful summaries of the Bible’s teaching throughout the history of the church. We affirm the historic creeds (such as the Apostles’ Creed, Nicene Creed, and Chalcedonian Creed) believed by the Church throughout the world. We also believe that the Baptist Faith and Message (revised in the year 2000) provides a helpful summary of the Bible’s teaching. In summary, we believe:
The one true Creator God eternally exists in three distinct persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
The Father is the everlasting, infinite, and personal ruler of all things. The Father sent the Son to bring salvation to the world.
Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God who became a real human man while remaining fully God. He was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, and died as a sacrifice by crucifixion for the penalty of sin. He was buried, he rose on the third day, he ascended into heaven, and he will return physically one day.
God the Holy Spirit is personal and eternal, one with the Father and Son. He convicts the world of sin, righteousness and judgment. He points to Jesus, illuminates the Bible, and gives power and joy to believers in their daily lives and the church in its mission.
Men and women were created by God in the image of God to know and love him and other people. With the exception of Jesus Christ, every person born after Adam and Eve is sinful by birth and action. Those who turn from their sin and trust in Jesus will be raised to eternal life. Those who do not turn from their sin and trust in Jesus will be raised to eternal punishment. Only by turning away from sin in repentance and turning toward Jesus Christ in his person and work by faith can a person be forgiven, reconciled to God, and experience true life and joy.
The church is God’s “Plan A” for the world. Any person from any place, time, or nation who has trusted in Jesus Christ is a part of the universal church. Every Christian should also become a member of a local church. The church preaches the gospel, makes disciples, and practices two ordinances: baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Baptism is only for those who have willingly become believers in Jesus Christ.