
Episodes from 2020

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March 16, 2020

"We Believe God Speaks, part 2"

Speaker: Danny Slavich Passage: Romans 2:14–2:15

February 24, 2020

We Believe God Speaks

Speaker: Danny Slavich Passage: Psalms 19:1–19:6, Romans 1:20–1:20

February 10, 2020

We Believe in God the Father and God the Son

Speaker: Danny Slavich Passage: Psalms 2:7–2:7, John 5:26–5:26, John 1:1–1:1, Colossians 1:15–1:15, Hebrews 1:3–1:3

February 3, 2020

We Believe In the Trinity [Episode 000]

Speaker: Danny Slavich Passage: Genesis 1:1–1:36, Exodus 3:14, Exodus 34:5–34:7, Matthew 28:19

January 28, 2020

Why "We Believe"?

Speaker: Danny Slavich

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